"The Value of Togetherness! Gathering together, maintaining together, and collaborating together! This is true realization and success.¡°

Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry(KNUSD) is celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2024. It began recruiting new students in 1974 as the Department of Dentistry under the College of Humanities at KNU located in Daegu city of South Korea. The school has aimed to cultivate healthcare professionals equipped with creative inquiry and problem-solving skills for the advancement of dentistry, patient-centered clinical capabilities, and leadership qualities that fulfill the responsibility of serving humanity, having produced approximately 3,000 dentists to date. Based on the history and tradition, our dental school alumni proudly lead the dental healthcare field both domestically and internationally.

To produce "truth-oriented talents who lead the future development of dentistry through creative inquiry," "pride-oriented talents who provide exemplary dental care with true character and professionalism," and "service-oriented talents who fulfill their social responsibilities for the improvement of oral health in humanity," the education at the SD is operated through a self-directed learning system with standardized basic and clinical education to ensure high-level dental competencies. From the second year of the pre-dental program, major subjects are taught, and clinical education is divided into pre-clinical and clinical skills training, systematically deepening the curriculum according to each academic year. In response to the recently introduced practical examination system for the national dental licensing exam, we are nearing the completion of a clinical skills center. Our educational evaluation system boasts a demand-centered approach, where the faculty provides feedback on student evaluations to enhance student education. Additionally, to promote globalization and internationalization, we are creating various international programs and collaboration opportunities to support students in growing into globally aware professionals, with plans for further expansion.

Alongside this expertise, we also emphasize responsibility towards patients and ethical values, operating various programs that cultivate humanities in dental medicine and community service activities. As a result, we were selected as the top institution in the recent dental education accreditation evaluation cycle.

The faculty at the SD possesses excellent research capabilities and world-class clinical skills, dedicating themselves to education, research, clinical practice, and service. In particular, we have secured major research projects not only through collective basic research grants but also from various government agencies, local governments, and dental healthcare industries, leading to pioneering basic research. Recently, we have also conducted leading scientific research centers and talent development projects. Through numerous research institutes, including studies on regenerative medicine for periodontal tissues, advanced medical device development, and translational research in dentistry, we are conducting cutting-edge research in the field of dentistry, which serves as a foundation for various academic exchanges and conferences. Our clinical faculty is not only engaged in basic research but also leads international advancements in clinical education while providing world-class care at KNU Dental Hospital.

KNUSD never forgets its mission to contribute to the improvement of oral health in the local community, the nation, and ultimately, humanity worldwide. We believe that all members are dedicated to their roles with a strong sense of community. We ask for your continued interest and support in the future.

Dean, Youn-Hee Choi